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Isabella S Schalkwyk: Owner and Founder

With two decades of expertise in the events planning industry, Susan Schalkwyk, the owner and founder of WeRdesign, has become a highly skilled and knowledgeable professional. Throughout her career, she has consistently demonstrated her dedication to ensuring successful events. Susan's passion for helping others shines through in her willingness to step in and assist companies shortly before important events. Her ability to seamlessly execute these events has earned her a reputation for excellence.
In addition to her remarkable track record, Susan has had the opportunity to collaborate with renowned companies such as Momentum, Degussa Hulls, Cadburys, and Coca-Cola. These partnerships have allowed her to further refine her expertise and expand her network within the industry.
However, Susan's entrepreneurial spirit and adaptability were put to the test when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Rather than being discouraged by the challenges it presented, she saw an opportunity for creativity. This led her to launch WeRmugs Pty. Ltd, a business specializing in mug printing. Through Susan's dedication and innovative thinking, WeRmugs Pty. Ltd quickly gained traction and achieved great success.
Building on this success, Susan and her team decided to broaden their business horizons. With a deep understanding of branding, marketing, and design, they made the strategic decision to rebrand their enterprise as WeRdesign Pty. Ltd. This move not only reflects their commitment to providing comprehensive design solutions but also positions them as a leader in the industry.
Susan's journey in the events planning industry is a testament to her passion, resilience, and adaptability. Her ability to navigate challenges and leverage opportunities has allowed her to build a reputable brand that is trusted by clients and admired by industry professionals. As she continues to expand her business and explore new ventures, it is clear that Susan's expertise and dedication will continue to shape the events planning industry for years to come.

Cishea Joubert (Ash)

Cishea Joubert is a dedicated and skilled professional known for her excellent organizational skills and a wealth of experience in the courier and logistics sector. She has become an indispensable asset, not only in the realms of administration and finance but also as a valuable addition to the WeRdesign team where she ensures smooth operations.
With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to efficiency, Cishea has navigated the intricacies of the courier and logistics industry, contributing her expertise to streamline processes and enhance overall productivity. Her journey has been marked by a continual pursuit of knowledge and a proactive approach to acquiring new skills, reflecting her commitment to personal and professional growth.
Beyond her professional endeavors, Cishea is defined by her compassion for animals. As a proud cat mommy, she extends her love and care to the feline world, embodying a deep connection with our four-legged friends. This passion not only adds a unique dimension to her character but also reflects her nurturing and empathetic nature.
In addition to her corporate achievements, Cishea finds joy in the world of design, where her skills play a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless functioning of projects. Her ability to adapt to new challenges and integrate seamlessly into diverse teams makes her a valuable collaborator in any professional setting.
Cishea Joubert continues to evolve and make a positive impact, combining her professional acumen with a genuine love for animals. Her journey serves as an inspiration to those who aspire to balance a successful career with a compassionate heart.

Brandon Ho: Designer

Brandon is a highly talented individual with an extensive background in the field of computer graphics and graphic design. With years of experience in the industry, he has developed a deep passion for creating visually appealing and professional content that captivates audiences.
One of his defining characteristics is his unwavering creativity, which allows him to think outside the box and come up with unique ideas. Brandon is highly detail-oriented and pays close attention to every aspect of his work, ensuring that the final product is flawless.
Despite his already impressive skill set, Brandon is always seeking to improve and challenge himself by pushing his skills to a higher level. He believes in the power of continuous learning and constantly strives to enhance his abilities.
In his career, Brandon aims to make a significant contribution to the success of an organization through his innovative ideas. He brings a fresh perspective and a wealth of knowledge to the table, always looking for ways to push boundaries and take projects to new heights.
Brandon's expertise extends to a wide range of software and tools, including Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Maya, and 3D Studio Max. He specializes in areas such as illustration, 3D animation, design, and print. With his strong grasp of these tools and techniques, he is able to create captivating visuals that leave a lasting impact on viewers.
Overall, Brandon is a dedicated and highly skilled CG artist and graphic designer. His passion for his craft, attention to detail, and constant drive to improve make him an invaluable asset to any organization looking for visually stunning and innovative content.

Art Work

S A L E S & F I N A N C E T E A M

Susan: Owner

Ashley: Finance

Bianca: Sales

Lola: Sales

Jayce: Sales


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Head Office: 068 677 2061

Mon - Sat, 9am-5pm